In case you're looking for a reliable hosting company to host your site, this review will help you to decide if DreamHost is good for you. This is my own personal experience with them.
I went to their site through WordPress page. The fact that they are approved by WordPress is one of the reasons that made me sign up with them. It's simple. There are many gory tales about people's terrible experience with many web hosting services. So in order not to have the same bad experience I searched the internet thoroughly for a hosting service that has been tested and trusted.
So when WordPress recommends a hosting service, when I was actually researching what hosting to use, you know what that means. Apparently WordPress would not recommend a hosting service that will provide poor service for their customers as that will also affect their own image.
This is what WordPress says on their site:
'There are hundreds of thousands of web hosts out there, the vast majority of which meet the WordPress minimum requirements, and choosing one from the crowd can be a chore. Just like flowers need the right environment to grow, WordPress works best when it's in a rich hosting environment.
We've dealt with more hosts than you can imagine; in our opinion, the hosts below represent some of the best and brightest of the hosting world...
WordPress 1-click install, auto-updates, unlimited hosted domains, and great support! DreamHost powers over 600,000 WordPress blogs and websites globally, and offers a 2 week free trial, a free domain name, plus unlimited disk space, bandwidth, MySQL databases, and email addresses. Easily install your favorite WordPress plug-ins, and rest easy with our 100% uptime guarantee.'
So I signed up for the shared hosting for $8.95/month which is very cheap. I filled the online application form and within 3 hours of my application my account was approved. So I chatted with their customer service to find out when my website is going to be up and I was told it's going to be up within 4 to 8 hours.
When I checked back it was up within 6 hours (that is about 3:55am after I finished chatting with the customer service representative by 10pm the previous day).
And so I installed my WordPress blog by a one-click installation. That is another good point that attracted me to their service. I mean instead of learning a lot of stuff or memorize lots of codes just to host my blog all I had to do is click on Install icon and boom! My site is up and running.
If you need a fast and reliable hosting service for your blog or website check out this hosting service today.
Femmy Banks is the writer of this article and has a blog packed with tips and strategies that will help you succeed in internet marketing. Click here to access his blog.
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